20 December 2008

2008: A Space Heater

Today I met a gal named Sparkli who gave me a Space Heater. It will be used to heat my studio to hopefully a temperature I can tolerate. That silly sunroom is FREAKING COLD.

Anyway, the way i found it was i posted in the Ravelry STL Knitters group. She messaged me right away, AND she was way excited to trade it for letterpressed cards!!! She also drove it all the way to me house. Isn't she a sweet heart? Tomorrow that group meets for knitting at the St. louis Bread Company on South Grand, and I think i'm going to attend for once.

I love barter! I wish everybody wanted to barter, because I have no money and its hard to get things with out money. But I have "Stuff" and "Things" that no one want s buy, but some times they will trade!
I began working at Knitorious here in Saint Louis a few hours a week, currently our only income. Its so hard to go there and hang out with beautiful yarn, helping people with their projects and purchases and not be able to buy anything!


And, I can feel the sock obsession creeping in. I didn't understand it at first, and usually I'm not susceptible to the same kinds of "fads" and things other people are. Plus, I've technically never created a pair of socks.

Thing is, I started a pair, and even tho its not finished, I remember knitting it up and thinking to myself, "Man, this is really great. Stockinette has never been so enjoyable!"

Each time I fondle Dyeabolical Yarn's amazing sock yarn, I get so happy, then sad because i don't get any. One day. I will buy her yarn! i will create socks! and I will WEAR THEM!

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