26 February 2009


I find myself thinking a lot "How the hell am I ever going to find time for a full-time job? I've got so much stuff to do!" I'm so busy all the damn time, but I've got no income? how can I fix this disconnect? I'm not so sure.

I have managed to chip awa at my list of things to do lately. I finished a set of Birth Announcements for Ann, and finished my proprietor's card for the APA Membership requirements. Its not super good, but it's my first one so I think I'll the next one will be lots better.

Things I still need to do:

• Bake Bread cuz I'm down to the heel.
• Clean the damn house. The dishes are piling up.
• Print a plethora of other things for the Green With Indie craft show.
• Cut the pipe spool in half to use as a coffee table in the basement.
• Schedule an appointment with the guy who has some equipment I might want.
• Figure out how the hell to get enough done today to justify going to the Hand Built Bike Show in Indiana on Saturday.
• Put the laundry away.
• mail a birthday present to a friend.

And Sandy at Knitorious wants me to work everyday next week. YAY!!! But I'll be losing a whole week of printing time. Ugh. Guess I gotta kick it into high gear here.

19 February 2009

That "25 Things" thing. (0r, Damn You Facebook!)

Why is Facebook all of a sudden so damn popular? I hear about it on the radio, talking about it as if MySpace never existed, discussing the same social and cultural issues that were hashed out when MySpace first took the Social Networking scene by storm... Just yesterday, the radio was talking about how Facebooks Terms of Service claimed the rights to any content posted by users within the site. Apparently there's been a row over it. Really folks? THE SAME DAMN THING already happened with MySpace like THREE YEARS AGO! Journalism needs to do its damn research.

ANYWAY. Here, for your off-Facebook pleasure, are

25 Random Things About Me.

1.) I'm the oldest child in my family. I have 4 biological siblings, and 4 other siblings who aaren't even related to me by marriage, just by proximity. :)

2.) I love coffee and beer. If I didn't need water, i wouldn't drink it. I'd drink coffee and beer.

3.) Wash my hair once a week, if that, and bathe approximately twice week. Three times in the summer.

4.) I hide random things and forget all about them only to uncover them years later when I'm packing for a move/rearranging furniture. Things like a Mother's Day Card I hid behind a wall hanging and found 5 years later (I delivered it), a 100-dollar bill in my copy of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, and random seemingly invaluable things under floor boards, behind walls or paneling and in the back of the bottom drawer of my dresser (where right now is hidden a Eucharist wafer stamped with an image of The Last Supper).

5.) I bite my nails and chew my fingers till they bleed. I've done this all my life, and only stopped once for about a month when I diligently ate 2 hard boiled eggs a day(for protein), painted my nails with awful tasting deterrent polish and drank gallons of water whenever I had the urge to bit them. But that was too damn much work and created more stress which made me want to bite my nails even more.

6.) I have 2 cats without whom I cannot imagine living. Charles Dagron Pinetti, a talkative, misbehaving, Ginger-colored rapscallion, and Firebrat, an older, distinguished, Dilute Calico Turkish angora mix who would rather not have anything to do with the likes of Charlie P.

7.) The idea of pregnancy makes my sick to my stomach, and I think being pregnant and in public is extremely rude. Especially if the expectant mother is clothed in such a way as to draw attention to her grotesquely swollen abdomen. Unless I know the woman personally and judge her to be fit for procreation, like Juile D. or Laura W. Then its ok.

8.) Children are on my wishlist for life, but I will be adopting every one of them. See #7.

9.) I am prone to prolonged bouts of misanthropy and general disdain for the human race.

10.) I recycle evrything I can, and as a result, the trash I take out to the dumpster equals about one plastic grocery bag every other week. I buy food with little packaging as I can, leave my produce loose to avoid using produce bags, and try to purchase items in reusable containers. I'm very concious about this and can't imagine how people can shop any other way... Also, my trash never smells or is wet because I compost all my food scraps. This is a significant point of pride for me.

11.) I'm OCD about the bed sheets being straight before I lie down. I cannot have a wrinkle in the sheet or I won't be able to sleep. I will make my partner get up out of bed in order to fix the sheets to my exact specifications.

12.) When I was young, my Father would scream and holler at us for small pieces of debris on the floor that we didn't notice, or pick up and throw away. We had 9 children, give or take, in that house and he'd pitch a fit about a gum wrapper in the corner, even when there was a mountain of dishes. To this day, if I notice a small piece of paper or bit of thread on the linoleum, I leave it there for DAYS. Once I even called him and told him I did this. He denied infecting me with this behaviour.

13.) I cook a full meal almost every night of the week, from scratch.

14.) I bake my own brown bread. its delicious and I'll never buy bread at the supermarket again.

15.) I collect "Pearls of Wisdom", "Old Wives Tales" and other Random Facts you can learn form Grandma or cartoons. Such as, Elephants are afraid of mice. Carrots give you good eyesight. Plant Peas in February after the last frost. Your corn should be "Knee High By July". Don't squish a spider or it will rain. Put brandy on the gums of a teething baby. Etc. etc.

16.) I've been unemployed for 10 months, and though its been a financial struggle, I'm quite enjoying being free of the shackles and burdens of a full-time job.

17.) Saint Louis is a terrible God-Forsaken wasteland with no Thai food delivery, no winter, no bike routes and too damn many shopping malls. I'm very bitter and reisitant to acclimating, even though things are beginning to work out for me here. I don't want to accept it because this environment makes me angry and sad.

18.) My Significant other, Lucky, is the best thing to happen to me in my whole life. I love him more than words can describe and cherish everything about him, even those things I dislike because they are part of him. I can't imagine life without him and I want to do everything with him. Spending every waking moments together and never being bored of each other even after years amazes me.

19.) I'm fascinated by ghosts, hauntings, the supernatural and things of the like, and love watching "reality" ghost hunts, documentaries and reading about haunted places. But I am easily frightened by horror movies, scary scenes and will not enter a darkened room alone.

20.) I think i might be a little psychic. Well, a little more than a little. I have an uncanny sense of intuition and deductie reasoning that allows me to pull details from impressions of a person, place or situation. Several of my friends think I'm crazy, several think I'm "gifted" and the rest just wonder "how the hell did you know that?"

21.) I dream about my Dad dying a lot. I'm afraid he'll die while I'm far away and I won't get to say goodbye to him. I pray he lives long, and that one day when he's old, I can move back to the east coast for the last years of his life.

22.) Although I am the voice of reason in my family and can predict the outcome of messy situations, and although my family frequently comes to me needing advice and assistance, NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO ME. The phrase i use the most these days is "I Fricken told you so."

23.) I'm usually the last one to know when something big happens in the family, just because they don't want to hear me say "I told You SO!"

24.) Letterpress printing and Knitting are my two favorite things to do, and the only things I've ever really commited to, besides sewing when I was a teenager. I'm largely self-taught, and hope to make some money from these activities.

25.) I miss my Chicago friends so so much. Natalie's little baby girl hugs, and Elliot's informative speeches, Clare's sense of humor, Dumptruck's sensibility, Jessi's support and encouragement, and Amber's unconditional love. I've never had such wonderful friends in all my life, and I regret leaving them.

13 February 2009

Things I would Buy if I had 12K Dollars...

Student Loans, schmudent loans... I want this.

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, with Fireproof Binding. Only $11,444.17. Think I can get it for 5,737 payments of only $19.95?

First edition. Limited issue, number 193 of 200 copies specially bound in "Johns-Manville Quinterra, an asbestos material with exceptional resistance to pyrolysis" (limitation pages). Signed by the author. A very good copy indeed which shows a little wear to the spine ends and slight dustiness to the spine and outside edge of the front board. A generally clean and well preserved example. The author’s famous novel of censorship and book burning, which takes the form of a futuristic science fiction novel but explores the effects of mass media in the 1950s on literature. It instantly became a cult book and went on to be regarded as a classic of dystopian as well as science fiction. The title famously refers to the temperature at which paper will spontaneously combust, so as a novelty 200 copies of the first edition were issued in a fire retardant binding, and signed by the author. This hardy binding, however, has not generally weathered well, being white and prone to soiling. Clean copies are now scarce.

07 February 2009

Pizza and Beer night.

I'm so tired, I really want to order pizza delivery tonight but we don't have the funds. Dag. We don't even have any beer.

We've got just enough ingredients to make a silly pizza, but man, I really want the delivery man to ring my bell and there it is all cooked and ready to eat. ugh.

so tired...

04 February 2009

Twitter and Facebook

Facebook has surged in popularity. I don't know why. I don't really like it. But now all my previously MySpace contacts are finding me on Facebook, an account I forgot I even had til the last few months... What's that other one? Oh Friendster. Why is no one on Friendster?

Anyway, since I've been on Facebook a lot more than I like lately, i thought perhaps I'd ad yet another social networking site to my daily time expenditures.

BEHOLD the link that is my Twitter account!

Tweet me, bitches.